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The Secret to Increased Happiness: Simplify Your Personal and Professional Life

I have not done much research on it, and frankly, I do not want, but it is totally incomprehensible to me why the human race seems to have a tendency to make things more complicated.
It affects all areas of life, personally, professionally, emotionally, mentally and physically.
Some simple examples:
Forms fillable and other compliance documents in offices, customers and staff. The amount of paperwork is insane. For example, I can do the training for the long-term unemployed, a normal training session lasts four hours. The last hour is devoted to complete the compliance. These will be handled by the staff, at least 30 minutes hours. Just to show that I've done what I've done, people who attended my training, so that the funds can be claimed by the government.
We are constantly bombarded with messages to eat more / less, exercise more / less, drink more / less, and pills plus / minus and supplements to stay healthy. People work in tension to maintain their shape and vitality.
Airport security: I did not see any security measures at airports and away from other transportation centers. Regulations increasingly are added instead.
Technology: More and more, it is possible, which leads us to be traceable and identifiable 24/7. And with that comes an expectation of actually being available 24/7.
Affective diagnosis and behavior more label as a symptom of some kind of disease, which obviously requires a complex treatment. Before you know it, your active, playful, can be operated with gas is considered ADHD child.
Doing business: there are many additional rules and regulation of companies must comply with even be able to do business. The number of "boxes" is absolutely insane.
I could go on and onI'm not saying it is not necessary for it all. Obviously, the most severe restrictions are valid basis (for example, to protect us more effectively, or make sure that everyone gets a fair share of the cake). On the other hand, I think we have become so obsessed with what to avoid, what must be taken into account, what could go wrong with what people can do, so we went with- overboard in many ways.
The simple answer to this question? I wish I had. I am well aware that things change at the macro / global is an almost impossible task, there are too many moving parts to "only" make a difference.
What we can do is to make a change at the micro level. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.
Combine this with a healthy dose of common sense, and you'll be well on your way to work efficiently, without restriction and without stress (-ish) life.
The best way to begin this process is to break any apparent problems or problem in its most basic components. What is really happening? What is the main topic at hand, without all the "extra bits"? Breaking the problem at its core is often the first step and only required for resolution. When you remove all the add-ons, all the bits and pieces more often the problem is not really important. He just looked at a lot. Fluff can add a lot of unnecessary things.
Once you've found what the real problem is that there still may remain "in" on the left. For those, you ask: "whose problem is it?" This is the problem that is under your control, or is it something you can not control at all (as the exchange or market property, or the weather). Scrap any reflection on the problems that they can not control. thinking and worrying about them NEVER take them under their control, so you might as well what I say I let the Universe.
Since the elements of the problem under control, which is easier to handle for immediate results? Sometimes simply touching a person seeking help can be an important piece of the puzzle. Or save all documents relating to the problem of a well-organized folder. Or do some quick research that could help you find an answer. Do not think you have to eat the elephant one bite. Start with the tail or trunk.
Finally, give yourself enough time to do the job. Too often, we think we have to solve problems here and now. It is not always possible, and should not want to either. Fast type solutions bandaid may mask the symptoms, but are generally much lower than unpleasant. Do what you can, and wait for the "paint dry", so to speak. After that, it is time for the next step, etc.
With all the modern technology available to us, life has become faster. We are supposed to do more at the same time. In addition, the rules and regulations that must be addressed if things are really getting harder and harder. However, there is still plenty of room for a common sense approach and practical "We will solve the problem" applications. And believe me, my time as a lawyer, I know that the rules are not strictly often anyway, for practice.
In this spirit, in order to simplify their business and life as much as possible. There are things that can not control, that's how life is, do not control as easy and convenient as possible. This will make your life much easier and easier to digest.
Marc is a qualified life / business coach and consultant, Master NLP Practitioner and Body Stress Release on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
It is one of the Australian Law of Attraction (LOA) experts, and coaches / mentors internationally with the LOA principles. Marc inspires his clients to find out what has been hindering all the time to get what they want, and then make a conscious decision to take their lives and / or careers to a higher level.
A lawyer for nearly 6 years in his "previous life", before immigrating to Australia from The Netherlands, Marc knows exactly how daunting taking the first step in a new direction can be. On the other hand, he also knows how to take this step is satisfying, and has the ability to pass on his knowledge and wisdom in a very simple and effective.

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